Thursday, January 15, 2009

My heart knows the truth

Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you disquieted with in me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
my help and my God.
Psalm 43:5

Sometimes I am stressed and anxious and feel hurt and angry, but Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him. I still have days where I dream of being pregnant, nights where I fall asleep with tears in my eyes, but Hope in God my soul, I will again Praise Him. Will it really work out, will we really make it to the prize and become a family, Hope in God, I will again Praise Him!

Sometimes something within me looses hope, it questions, doubts, and stirs up troubled thoughts, but my heart knows that God is faithful. I know that He will not forsake me, He has plans for me, great plans, He loves me. I just have to remind myself, that one day soon, We will be praising the Lord for His greatness, and our beautiful baby.


Just Believing said...

What a beautiful posts! I too hate when my soul loses hope when I KNOW God is in control! He is wonderful and mighty and will grant us our children! He promises us the desires of our heart! Thinking of you!

C said...

Wonderfully said, my friend. And you're doing good, stay strong and fast to what you know, despite what the earthly mind tries to tell you.


B MoM said...

amen sista! Thank you for posting this. IF is difficult and the journey is testing.....I'm glad you wrote this post.

Guera! said...

Struggles with infertility are rarely without struggles with faith are they? They seem to go hand and hand.